Positional Arguments

Read positional arguments. Positional arguments are all the arguments that are not an option or a flag. So in the following command line invocation for the my-app command:

my-app greet --greeting Hello Joe ^^^^^ ^^^ - positional arguments


Fetch a single positional argument

This parser will fail to parse if:

  • Decoding the user input fails


  • displayName (required): a display name for the named argument. This is required so it'll be understandable what the argument is for
  • type (required): a Type from string that will help decoding the value provided by the user
  • description: a short text describing what this argument is for


Fetch all the rest positionals

Note: this will swallaow all the other positionals, so you can't use positional to fetch a positional afterwards.

This parser will fail to parse if:

  • Decoding the user input fails


  • displayName: a display name for the named argument.
  • type (required): a Type from string that will help decoding the value provided by the user. Each argument will go through this.
  • description: a short text describing what these arguments are for